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Who We Are


The Crime Prevention Narcotics Drugs Education Center is a 501c (3) non-profit organization, formed in 1968 by Dr. H. L. Bostic out of a concern for the rising tide of alcohol and drug related crime in the local community and through the nation. CPNDEC was incorporated by state of California in 1970 with a wide base of community support encompassing local law enforcement, citizens, businesses, and local churches.  For over 42 years, CPNDEC has kept up the momentum of breaking through the barriers of poverty and violence, and continued to take a leadership role in the fight against crime and violence.

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Our Staff

CPNDEC staff members come to us from all over the country and from all different walks of life.  They volunteer a great deal of time, energy, and talent.  Besides having a special sensitivity to the needs of youth and being able to speak in a language they can understand, the staff brings a wealth of experience including teaching, counseling, social work, community leadership, law enforcement, Information Technology, sports and music.

 Contact Us

 We welcome your comments, questions and/or suggestions.  We also welcome your contributions of finances, time, and/or other resources.  Please contact us at:



Crime Prevention Narcotics & Drugs Education Center

605 Hamilton Ave

Menlo Park, Calif  94025

 650-462-5921 or  EMAIL:cpndec@cpndec.org